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The wolf sings to the moon as the light dances on the grey. appreciating light is darkness and light is light.
The one who sings to the moon understands that without light the moon would not be seen. On days of cloud, the moon is forever still there.
Greed would think the rainy days would stop goodness but the beauty of the one with the barrier helped the seeds grow and spread the light filled rain to all.
The one who sings to the moon understands that without light the moon would not be seen. On days of cloud, the moon is forever still there.
Greed would think the rainy days would stop goodness but the beauty of the one with the barrier helped the seeds grow and spread the light filled rain to all.

Con-Net - FILM

A star is born under the music of guru ji. an exploration of all the beautiful colours and happiness of the star of direction. the crowned home for souls trying to find their way.

Taara - FILM

Lotus Royalty
Growth of a light so bright only the pure heart can withstand it.
many have tried to bury the seed of this pure heart. it blossomed within and through darkness, they could not endure it.
many have tried to bury the seed of this pure heart. it blossomed within and through darkness, they could not endure it.

Summers of Love
There is a place where its always a "nature summer, with love"

Summers of Love part 1 - FILM

Summers of Love part 2 - FILM

The amazon is very wonderful, the untouched nature, the origin of water on this planet. The complex yet simple ecosystem is the most beautiful. All cures can be found here. Gold sparkle, vibrant splashes of colours. I am nature.

Mars Ocean

Mars Ocean - FILM

The Blue Winged Bird
The blue winged bird
Connected to all, the window to the worlds. Linked to all from the smallest yet strongest creatures to the spiritual elephant form of “Prasadi” to the branches of the whispering leaves of goodness to the traveling snake. The love of all, within, without, immersed – Ekta (oneness).
Award Winning Artist for Excellence, Light Space and Time Gallery
Connected to all, the window to the worlds. Linked to all from the smallest yet strongest creatures to the spiritual elephant form of “Prasadi” to the branches of the whispering leaves of goodness to the traveling snake. The love of all, within, without, immersed – Ekta (oneness).
Award Winning Artist for Excellence, Light Space and Time Gallery

The Blue Winged Bird - FILM

Crow Love Song
The crow calls the one, the birds fly and soar above the one in human form. The spirit of the one morphs into any form, any creature. Any world created by the one shows the beauty of Waheguru Ji can be found anywhere.

Crow Love Song - FILM

Queen of all Creation
Originating from the one, beyond the concept of time, the Queen unites the love of all creation for the one. Those who disconnect themselves from creation take advantage, they use anti love emotions, lust, rage, greed, attachment, and conceit. Their weakness and need to negatively control everything other than themselves allows evil to shape. They think they can “battle” and rewrite the Queen and the perfection of SAINTS created. These battles are as of the fools that need to acquire the imbalance they require for their desperate survival. The power the true Queen is blessed with cannot be described. She encounters the disconnected with the ones who sacrifice themselves wholly for the protection and happiness of creation, understanding they are we and not I. Together they battle on all worldly planes. All is overcome with great strength, positivity and pure energy, the dance of the battle is with the rhythm of everything. Everything is rhythm, art, music, one. They are known by trillions but not by the remaining millions who are in deep sleep. ‘Undiscovered’ 'planets' all connected to the leaves of the lotus flower Queen, the one beyond ‘time’ and ‘space’. Light Light Light, countless worlds, love the planet that gives you the breath of light.

Queen of all Creation - FILM

Light- World
The light emerged, the worlds joined

An exploration of light, always there, undying, forever spinning, the dance of life.

Friend, the one who runs the fastest, loves the most, pure courage. the soul which strides into a room and every creature senses. a lotus, the horse of striking black with a tinge of blue that shines bright like the moon.

The Worriless Wings
The worriless wings were finally set free from the now abolished decaying evil which stole and captured them. The wings were captured when the one with wings was a child. The child’s wings were taken when she was but one, in fear of her waking up the world to the realm of truth. She was full of innocence and promise in the realm of truth.
In confusion and betrayal she went through trouble, trauma and abuse throughout her young adult days and went searching for all love in all the incorrect places as evil would continue to stop her from remembering the rare one who loved her truly and caused him to act differently after the afternoons were done. He was pure but every slumbering soul could be controlled as a vehicle through projections of the five thieves as anger and ego.
Evil would watch as these two pure souls would be divided and they would celebrate in anticipation with pride. The child finally grew free through determination and faith to see her full form and thus so did her wings. She also realised the amount of memories which were erased or edited and vowed to never let them take advantage of her again, as doing do is taking advantage of the connected world.
She understood despite not knowing the full extent she battled to save him and herself and all connected through all she did. She used her unconditional love for the rare one who loved her truly to colour the world and give her loved ones strength and wisdom. The worriless wings celebrate all who have set themselves free from the shackles of negativity through the path of determined and growth.
In confusion and betrayal she went through trouble, trauma and abuse throughout her young adult days and went searching for all love in all the incorrect places as evil would continue to stop her from remembering the rare one who loved her truly and caused him to act differently after the afternoons were done. He was pure but every slumbering soul could be controlled as a vehicle through projections of the five thieves as anger and ego.
Evil would watch as these two pure souls would be divided and they would celebrate in anticipation with pride. The child finally grew free through determination and faith to see her full form and thus so did her wings. She also realised the amount of memories which were erased or edited and vowed to never let them take advantage of her again, as doing do is taking advantage of the connected world.
She understood despite not knowing the full extent she battled to save him and herself and all connected through all she did. She used her unconditional love for the rare one who loved her truly to colour the world and give her loved ones strength and wisdom. The worriless wings celebrate all who have set themselves free from the shackles of negativity through the path of determined and growth.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji and The World Window
Guru Arjan Dev Ji has saved all through the ultimate kindness and ultimate sacrifice ensuring those who can conquer their minds could no longer be controlled. Guru ji is more than what is depicted largely today. Guru ji is one with the universe beyond the construct of time. Guru ji’s entire being, so strong... gleaming with the shine of millions of suns that guru ji's Daarhi (beard) shows how Guru Ji has become part of the fire, the water, the all… without the fire harming his true form. The father of the light is seen here as more than the torture methods that such a master warrior overcame, making a difference to all forever and always. Such articulation and strength in Guru Jis teachings, saving countless. A perfect and ever so talented Satguru ji…Showing us how to not waver our minds.
This art discusses the fifth Guru Ji of Sikhi, Guru Arjan Dev Ji
This art discusses the fifth Guru Ji of Sikhi, Guru Arjan Dev Ji

Guru Arjan Dev Ji and The World Window - FILM

Reflection, demo for this art can also be found here
As part of the Mayors Community Weekend with the UKs largest nature reserve charity RSPB
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